Wise Owls 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Wise Owls

Hello, my name is Miss. Tither and I'm the teacher of the Year 5 and 6 children in the Wise Owls class.

On a Wednesday afternoon, during teachers' PPA time, Mrs. Showering leads the class. 

In Wise Owls, we aim to build upon the knowledge and skills learned in Eager Beavers. Each half term we have a new theme, ensuring that learning is as interesting as possible. We ensure that children know the next steps in their learning and how they can be as successful as possible, so that they are ready for the next stage of their education. 

Reading is expected on a daily basis. Homework is given out every Friday and is due back the following Wednesday. Regular updates about our learning and information for parents will be posted on Seesaw; this is the main point of communication.

PE kit is required for Tuesday and Thursday.

Please have a look through the news, blog and gallery sections to see what our children have been doing.




Wise Owls: News items

Spring 1 in Wise Owls 2025, by Miss Tither

Autumn 2 in Wise Owls 2024, by Miss Tither

Autumn 1 in Wise Owls 2024, by Miss Tither

Wise Owls: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Wise Owls: Gallery items

A Healthy School Meal, by Miss Clark

Wise Owls: Calendar items

Y5/6 Parkrun Event, by Miss Clark

Y5/6 Bikeability, by Miss Clark

Get in Touch

Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078


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