The PTA committee at Westhead Lathom St James' is made up of a group of staff and parent volunteers who give their time to arrange fundraising events that raise valuable sources of income for school. Anyone can join the PTA and we would love to welcome new members with fresh ideas. Meetings are held once a term in school where we discuss events that we are planning and evaluate past events. See below for some of our recent events and what your money is being spent on in school!


Summer Term 2022 Events

It has been wonderful to be able to host fundraising events once again this term. The children have enjoyed their Movie Night and Summer Discos. Additionally, a fantastic Bingo night was held in the village hall. ALl of these events helped to raise well over £500. All funds raised go towards those little extras in school. This term the PTA have paid for the end of Y6 leavers' treat day and hoodies and have contributed towards the new sensory room in school. A huge thanks to all those invovled in organising and running these events we really appreciate all that you do!



Family Quiz Night 

The Family Quiz Night held in the village hall was a huge success and rasied £208! Thank you to everyone who came along and supported this event and to all those who donated prizes. Also thanks to all those involved in setting up and clearing away these events could not run without the help of our volunteers.

Sparkles and Superheroes

We had a fabulous response today to our show your inner sparkle or superhero event. All of the donations made go into the PTA fund and will be used to fund new equipment or experiences in school. Every penny really does help and means that we can do so much more for every child in school. Thank you for your continued support. 

Kevin the Carrot

The raffle for Kevin the Carrot was won by Oscar in Year 2! He was very happy to be taking Kevin home for Christmas. Thanks to all who bought tickets we managed to raise £35!



Bag Packing at B&M, Ormskirk

A huge thanks to everyone who gave up time during their weekend to help with the bag packing event in B&M in Ormskirk. It was a very busy day in the shop and our volunteers didn't stop all day! Their hard work helping out has really paid off as a massive £980 was raised. This money will help go towards updating the ICT equipment in school for all of our children.


Popcorn Party

Our annual popcorn party was a huge success. The children managed to eat an enormous amount of popcorn and watched the film Nativity. Great fun had by all and an amazing £224 was raised! This money will go towards the ICT upgrade project in school so many thanks for all of your support. 


Bingo Night

November's Bingo night was a huge success. Many thanks go to everyone who donated goodies for the prize hampers and an especially big thank you to Donna Hesketh for giving up her time to put all the hampers together. Thanks also to all of the volunteers on the evening for setting up; clearning away and ensuring that the evening ran smoothly, these events could not go ahead without you. All funds raised will be going towards improving the ICT equipment in school so that all pupils get the best out of the computing curriculum.

Take a look at some of the photographs below of the amazing prize hampers and some of the happy winners on the night!

Get in Touch

Westhead Lathom St James' CE Primary School

School Lane, Westhead, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L40 6HL

School Office

01695 574 078

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