Physical Education
Curriculum Overview
WLSJ offers an outstanding programme of Physical Education and sporting opportunities. Working closely with the West Lancashire Sports Partnership we are able to provide 1½ to 2 hours of professional sports coaching per week to every child in Key Stages One and Two. This is supplemented by an extensive programme of extra-curricular sports clubs and inter-school sports competitions.
We have one specialist coach per half term. Alongside the class teacher, each coach teaches the classes twice per week so the depth of coverage of each curriculum area helps the children to make excellent progress.
The specialist coaches also run an after-school sports club every Tuesday. These clubs have a very high uptake and are an important part of our sports provision. |
Our swimming lessons are also provided through the West Lancashire Sports Partnership. We swim in the Autumn and Spring terms at Park Pool, in Ormskirk. We recognise the importance of teaching children to swim at a young age so we have tweaked our provision this year. Eager Beavers (Y3/4) will get almost a full term of swimming lessons and Busy Bees (Y1/2) will get a half-term. We will use the first two lessons to assess children in Wise Owls and any children who require further lessons will join Eager Beavers for their sessions in the Autumn Term. Children are taught in groups differentiated by ability so that all children can progress. |
In Year 5, our children have the opportunity to participate in the Bikeability programme. It’s about gaining practical skills and understanding how to cycle on today’s roads. It gives them the confidence to enjoy all kinds of cycling.